Friday 27 December 2013

Nearly Christmas

Sarah managed to find a “40% off” deal for a resort in Ko Lanta, which she booked with literally a second to spare as the minivan revved its engines to pull away from Trang.

Arriving in the evening, we settled very comfortably into the Pilanta Resort & Spa hotel.  For a couple that has spent a month, through our own choice, in very basic accommodation I must indulge you on the specifics of our new home. Firstly, it was clean as a whistle. The air conditioning was pure luxury, as was the presence of WARM water. How alien it was to us not too have a cold shower, step out and immediately start sweating again! We were elated to find a bath, those avid readers will recall the last mini-bath Chris sat in in Madrid. Furthermore it was a jacuzzi bath. Layers of grime arose on the bubbles as I sank blissfully into the foamy waters.  The sheets, without patches, tears and gritty sand deposits, felt as soft as a cloud. We slept like logs and woke up revitalised. 

After doing some chores, such as clothes washing, we relaxed by the pool and updated our blog. Fraser similarly wrote up his diary. The astute of you might have noticed that we had not had any connection since 16th December and so you've been blessed with a rush of posts over the past few days covering the past few weeks. We apologise for this hiatus, and thank our dedicated blog follows for their patience! Normal service might resume, technological connections dependant. A few of you have asked who writes the blogs. The blog updates are each written by either Sarah or Chris, we’ll leave it up to you to guess whom. 

The resort was pretty empty, hence the price reduction but the facilities were excellent. We swam in the swimming pool of emeralds whilst drangonflies whirred overhead.

The Christmas Eve entertainment was a 'special dinner'. They did their best to serve the nine tables a western style menu. We acknowledged Christmas by donning flashing Santa hats. 

I don't know if you can remember the comedic episode of Only Fools and Horses where pregnant Raquel is cajoled into performing with the Elvis style impersonator named Tony? The pinnacle is the performance of "Cwying" by Tony and Raquel and the first, dramatic, belting out of the song's chorus! Well, we had a similar experience, when the Thai acoustic guitar player belting out his version of the Tina Turner Classic "Rolling on the River". Which translated as "Lolling, lolling,..Lolling on the Liver"! We clapped rapturously at the end.

Most restaurants close about 9pm, and the guests retired on Christmas Eve about 9.30pm leaving us alone. Fraser and Chris played darts and then challenged the barman to a few games of connect 4 (which he won outright). We were very pleased to be able to Skype brother John and Amy. It had been too long without hearing John's dry sense of humour and invented a new international, long distance drinking game!

Merry Christmas!! xxx

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